Vetriscience - Vetri Disc 脊椎寶【脊椎救星】(180粒膠囊)|原裝行貨|

型號: VS-04
存貨狀態: 2-3 Days
HK$ 462.00


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Vetri-Disc是一種獨特的配方,專門設計用於支撐與脊柱相關的結締組織。 Vetri-Disc將牛氣管軟骨與礦物硫酸鹽,氨基酸,維生素,胃蛋白酶和天然矽元素相結合,這些都是支持和維持結締組織所必需的。關於配方:牛氣管軟骨富含硫酸軟骨素,它構成結締組織的基質,並且在脊柱和椎間盤的組織中含量很高。錳對於激活對於糖胺聚醣的生物合成至關重要的酶是必需的。為木賊科植物提供了天然的矽源,這對於結締組織的合成和完整性是必不可少的。維生素C(抗壞血酸鈣和抗壞血酸鈣)有助於膠原蛋白的產生和糖胺聚醣的代謝。鈣對於骨骼的正常生長和維持至關重要。鹽酸吡rid醇(維生素B6)對於某些蛋白質的形成是必需的,並有助於神經功能。維生素D有助於從腸道吸收鈣,以及分解和吸收磷。鎂(硫酸鹽,氧化物)有助於骨骼生長以及鈣和鉀的吸收。鎂在神經肌肉收縮(放鬆肌肉)中也起重要作用。硫酸鋅是組織呼吸所必需的,並且在癒合過程中很重要。牛磺酸是參與結締組織合成的含硫氨基酸。絲氨酸是將糖胺聚醣結構連接到結締組織的蛋白質部分的氨基酸。

每膠囊有效成分:牛氣管軟骨200mg(硫酸軟骨素-4-和-6-的來源)抗壞血酸(維生素C)100mg果膠100mg L-牛磺酸50mg錳(硫酸錳)30mg L-絲氨酸30mg鈣(碳酸鈣,抗壞血酸鈣)25mg馬尾拉什(野馬木賊)藥草粉10mg鎂(硫酸鎂)10mg鹽酸吡ox醇(維生素B6)10mg檸檬酸鉀(檸檬酸鉀)9.5mg胃蛋白酶5mg鋅(硫酸鋅)1.8mg膽鈣化固醇30(維生素C)

Product description
Product Description
Vetri-Disc is a unique formulation designed exclusively to support connective tissues associated with the spine. Vetri-Disc combines bovine tracheal cartilage with mineral sulfates, amino acids, vitamins, pepsin, and natural sources of silicon, which are all necessary for the support and maintenance of connective tissue. About the formula: Bovine Tracheal Cartilage is rich in Chondroitin Sulfates which make up the matrix of connective tissue and are found in high concentration in the tissue of the spine and intervertebral discs. Manganese is necessary for the activation of enzymes that are vital for the biosynthesis of glycosaminoglycans. Provides Equisetum arvense a natural source of silicon which is necessary for the synthesis and integrity of connective tissue. Vitamin C (Calcium Ascorbate and Ascorbic Acid) supports collagen production and glycosaminoglycan metabolism. Calcium is essential for proper growth and maintenance of bone. Pyridoxine HCI (Vitamin B6) is necessary for the formation of certain proteins and aids in nerve function. Vitamin D aids in the absorption of Calcium from the intestinal tract and in the breakdown and assimilation of phosphorous. Magnesium (Sulfate, Oxide) helps aid bone growth and the assimilation of calcium and potassium. Magnesium also plays an important role in neuromuscular contractions (relaxes the muscles). Zinc (Sulfate) is necessary for tissue respiration and is important in the healing process. Taurine is a sulfur containing amino acid involved in the synthesis of connective tissue. Serine is an amino acid which links the glycosaminoglycans structure to the protein portion of connective tissue.

Active Ingredients Per Capsule: Bovine Tracheal Cartilage 200mg (Source of Chondroitin -4- and -6- Sulfates) Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) 100mg Pectin 100mg L-Taurine 50mg Manganese (Manganese Sulfate) 30mg L-Serine 30mg Calcium (Calcium Carbonate, Calcium Ascorbate) 25mg Horsetail Rush (Equisetum arvense) Herb Powder 10mg Magnesium (Magnesium Sulfate) 10mg Pyridoxine HCI (Vitamin B6) 10mg Potassium (Potassium Citrate) 9.5mg Pepsin 5mg Zinc (Zinc Sulfate) 1.8mg Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) 30